A Peon Confidential reader (who shall remain nameless) has been reading something other than Peon Confidential. She's been reading the Anderson Cooper book, "Dispatches From the Edge." While we were enjoying a boozy lunch, she explained that one line in the book stood out. It was a line in which Anderson referred to his field producer, John Murgatroyd.
She asked if this was the same John Murgatroyd that many of us once goofed off with, in between TelePrompting gigs and cheap meals of corn and rice from the Hard News Cafe.
Because this particular Chardonnay-loving Peon Confidential reader had a big crush on that particular John Murgatroyd back in her VJ days.
I'm fairly certain VJ Murgatroyd and field producer Murgatroyd are one in the same.
If not--can someone please let us know?
But it also got me to thinking:
We're all anonymous here on this blog. (Well, except me.)
Anyone else feel like fessing up to a long lost crush? Someone who got your loins stirring whilst floor directing? Your heart fluttering whilst script ripping? Made you moist whilst attempting to get your parking validated?
Give us the lovelorn details, if not your name...
I don't know about the rest of you, but there was a certain Hard News temptress that had a starring role in my VJ fantasies...
The only thing that got my heart fluttering back then was when there was free food in the newsroom.
Sadly, I ended up dating 3 Cnners who got my heart a flutter (for a brief moment). What was it about that stale newsroom air that made otherwise uninteresting people seem deliciously irresistable?
On a different note..John Murgatroyd! I haven't heard that name in years. What a great guy...so nice.
I had a crush on John Murgatroyd too!!!!!
i was devastated when I found out that he had a girlfriend. What a hottie.
Christie McDonald -- Mmmm, Yummy.
Then another VJ (who shall remain nameless) got with her.
Spoild it.
Valerie Voss the Weather B... oss set my heart a-twitter. No, wait. That was nausea. Nevermind.
From an in-the-know source at CNN in Atlanta, and also a former VJ (Class of 1996, holler) it is the same John Murgatroyd! And, while he is not married, he is popular with the on-air ladies of Headline News.
There was this SMOKIN HOT chick I used to give rides home to at 4am after our 8p-4a shift. HAA! what up Dutton?
Great Blog. Quick shout out to the VJ class of '96. Probably the most fun i've had in my professional life (if you can call that year professional). And yes, I had a crush...Lynn Russell.
He so hot
This is what I think: Heavens to Murgatroyd
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So do you like this movie Inception? I think it's a masterpiece, aside from the cast… they didn't do a very good job, though they tried.
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I live in a basement, with my parents. Typical stereotype - an overweight looser. Please don't remove my comments.
Suburbia: where they tear out the trees & then name streets after them.
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