It's always exciting to unearth a past CNN anchor after they've flown the coop. Yesterday, a Peon Confidential reader sent me this amazing bit of news:
Lynne Russell, Canadian Realtor
Former CNN HN anchor Lynne Russell, who now lives in Toronto, has become a real estate agent. "I really love it," she tells Canada's National Post.
The move to Toronto, Russell explains, was for her husband's job, as head of the Canadian-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Until recently, Russell was doing work for the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC), but "it didn't work out".
Russell, who has two black belts in Choi Kwang Do, was also asked by reporter Rob Roberts if she could "throw down" CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "Wolf is a friend," she answered. "I don't think I'd ever have to do that."
I never quite understood why she left CNN. She was beloved both by viewers (refer to this archived post for just one example of this phenomenon CNN FANTASIES) and people she worked with. I suspect she could have continued to read the TelePrompter for as long as she breathed air on this earth.
But now I want to see what her "real estate lady" pic looks like. You know those photos on flyers ensconced in those house-shaped dispensers outside of grocery stores? Those kill me. The people on those flyers tend to have names like Mitzy Tuttle. They grin like they're being fingered by the photog and wear stale, loud suits with copious amounts of Macy's costume jewelry. And I can almost smell the Estee Lauder perfume wafting through the pages.
Hmmm....perhaps "anchor" and "real estate agent" aren't so different after all.
What's with the boob flaps on her dress? It reminds me of that feminine hygiene product commercial: "The darned thing's got wings!"
Wait! Does this mean she's not selling lampshades anymore? Just where the hell am I supposed to buy my lampshades now?
I want to know if that part of the dress she's holding has snaps on it. Is it one of those snap-crotch ensembles?
You can listen to Lynne online at cfrb.com where she hosts Saturdays 1-3 pm (ET) on Toronto's legendary talk radio station CFRB.
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