Taking a bit of a break from the humorous posts today to express my concern for anyone who was in downtown Atlanta during that horrendous tornado. The photos are shocking, as are the reports of furniture and luggage flying out of busted windows from the Omni Hotel.
I hope any Atlanta CNNers who were working that night are doing well. If anyone has any first hand accounts of what it was like to be in the newsroom, please let us know...
Saara, talked to one of our colleagues who is still with the company that morning. M4 wasn't there, but knew someone who just happened to be down in the atrium when it hit. Said the next thing he knew, all hell was breaking loose. Wind, debris, noise... and rain coming at you horizontally INSIDE the building with the force of a fire hose. That whole chunk of real estate around Marietta and Baker on down is just chewed to hell and back. M4 said that there's hardly a window on the side of the Omni facing Centennial Olympic Park that wasn't broken. GWCC took a beating, Olympic Park had two of those big concrete lights knocked down, and I gather you've seen the photos of the mill down in Cabbagetown.
Wow. Thank you for the update, Former Audio Spud. That is horrific. It never ceases to amaze me how we go to work each day, feeling important, punching buttons, constructing buildings, making deals, convinced of our power on this planet, when it just takes a few minutes of Mother Nature shaking her ass around to prove we are completely under her control...
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