We're approaching the season of blockbuster summer films.
This inevitably means we are subjected to bombastic voiceovers proclaiming:
"If you had just one shot..."
"They had just once chance, one moment, one opportunity..."
"This moment would never come again, he had to seize it now or never..."
But seriously...
I'm asking all of you.
Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever believed that if you fucked up this one opportunity your life was over?
Maybe it's because I'm a writer and not an athlete, and I get rejection letters left and right (yet I keep plugging way) but I have never once felt that I had just one shot.
Am I alone here?
Hell no honey!
Agrees with Robert.
"In a world where success is fleeting, and fame is measured in minutes, one man has had many chances and his share failures... and lived to tell the tale!"
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