The next Mama D's Arts Bordello, "ORGASMIC!", is not until Friday, October 2nd.
And we just know you're aching with anticipation.
As such, we're trying out a new concept for the show.
I'm giving you the Trivia Contest in advance.
Feel free to cheat. Go ahead and Google the answers or ask your pals, print it out and bring it to the show if you want.
Consider this a fringe benefit of being both a Peon Confidential reader and a Mama D attendee.
As always, the themed prizes and inspiration for this trivia contest will be kept secret until the night of the show...
1. In 1983, scandalous Palm Beach social climber Roxanne Pulitzer was accused of performing “unnatural acts” with which musical instrument?
A. Tuba
B. Saxophone
C. Trumpet
D. Zither
2. Which famous New York City sex club was shut down by the Health Department in 1985?
A. Plato’s Retreat
B. Aristotle’s Grotto
C. Socrates’ Cave
D. The Fuck Hut
3. “Model” Donna Rice is to disgraced 80’s politician Gary Hart as “model” Jessica Hahn is to disgraced 80’s televangelist:
A. Jerry Falwell
B. Jim Bakker
C. Tammy Faye Bakker
D. Jimmy Swaggert
4. Match up the 80’s sex euphemism:
A. Knockin’........... 1. Wild Thing
B. Gettin’.............. 2. Injection
C. Doin’ the................ 3. Boots
D. The Hot Beef........... 4. Busy
5. Complete this 1984 Prince song lyric:
“I knew a girl named Nikki I guess you could say she was a sex queen,
Met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with_____________________”
A. a tub of margarine
B. Jared’s submarine
C. a magazine
D. Mean Joe Green
Do we get special treatment if we print out our own quizzes?
If you're looking for a discount-no! Fer cryin' out loud the cover is only 5 lousy bucks. If you're looking for a hug--I can arrange that.
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