I love writing this blog.
You know why?
Because you people send me the coolest shit.
Like this morning, one of you sent me a recipe.
But this isn't just any recipe. Hell no! This is JACKIE COLLINS' MEATLOAF RECIPE.
I have no idea where you found this...or even if it's authentic.
But I don't care!
How often do you find "Jackie Collins" and "meatloaf" in the same sentence?
Well I'll tell you: Not very often, bitches. It's a rare treat.
So here it is, presented with love.
And if any of you make this recipe, please email me with the results (and pics too!)
2 lbs ground beef or turkey
1 tube tomato paste
Half loaf of wheat breadcrumbs
2 eggs
Small jar spaghetti sauce
2 tablespoons mixed herbs, and lemon herbs
Pinch of garlic salt
1 package Campbell ’s onion soup mix
1 chopped onion
1 yellow pepper
Combine! Mix!
Cook for 45 minutes on 350 degrees.

I'm on it!
I knew I could count on you LAZ!
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