While it doesn't happen very often here on Peon Confidential, we occasionally do something valuable. For example, we once helped a student from University of Michigan pursue his dream of becoming a CNN Peon.
But like I say, this do-good stuff is a rarity. It happens once a year, like a pap smear or a 4th of July picnic.
So I am happy to announce that the opportunity to contribute to the world via this weird little blog is upon us.
Today I checked my VJ Dutton account and saw that someone had left a comment on an ancient post about a Mexican chef who was deported from England. He wrote:
I need a mexican chef for a new venture, if possible and this chef reads this please contact me at ricardo6312@hotmail.com
Ricardo, here's your spotlight on Peon Confidential. The word is out! If any of you Peons have leads, please contact him. As for me, I sincerely hope this venture is in London. I could rest easier knowing there is at least one decent Mexican restaurant amongst all the delicious Indian and Lebanese establishments.
UPDATE: It appears that Peon Confidential has become the go-to spot to place want ads for Mexican chefs! We've had another person write in with their contact info for a new venture in the Hamptons: paul.thompson01@btconnect.com
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